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Drew Barrett
Drew is a Staffing Recruiter in our Greenville office, serving on the Accounting & Finance team. He works collaboratively to place candidates in various positions across the Upstate. He enjoys building relationships with candidates and helping make their transition to a new position as simple and stress-free as possible.
Prior to joining FGP, Drew worked as an auditor for a state agency, ensuring the full utilization of state funding according to the laws and regulations. In his role, he also assisted with creating a recruiting program to make the process of sourcing and hiring internally as effective as possible.
Interesting Facts:
What is your favorite game or sport to watch or play?
I love watching college football, specifically the Michigan Wolverines. SEC? ACC? Nah, you have to go north for real football.
What’s the last book you read and what did you think?
Dynamic People Skills by Dexter Yaeger. This is a great book that highlights easy-to-read lists and stories the skills required to develop relationships at every level. It covers personal, professional, and even spiritual relationships.
What is your personal life motto?
Every person I come across leaves better than before we met. I believe the true value of any life is the lives that were affected in a positive way because of you. Therefore, I seek to add value to everyone I interact with from the person I pass on the street once, to the coworker I see every day.